Pinout for RS232/AUI cable(A2263-62045) for 712 card (A2263-66536) ------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a card for the 712(HP part #A2263-66536) that provides 2nd AUI lan and 2nd DB9 RS232 port. The back of the card has a 26 pin connector and the 15pin AUI and 9pin RS232 connectors are provided by a special Y cable (A2263-62045) which are pretty hard to find. Here is the pinout of this cable in case you need to make one. These diagrams are looking at the end of the connector not the back. Make sure to take that into account if building a cable. Pin numbering is taken from the numbers on the plastic in the cable. If a pin is not connected it is represented as an "o". The numbers outside the bottom connectors are the pin numbers that that pin is connected to on the top connector. --------------------------------- \ o o 3 o o o 7 8 9 / \ 10 11 12 13 o o 16 17 18 / \ 19 20 21 22 o 24 25 26 / ------------------------- 12 13 20 19 18 9 8 7 24 --------------------------- ----------------- AUI \ o o 6 5 o 3 2 o / \ 1 2 3 4 5 / RS232 \ o 10 11 12 o 14 15 / \ 6 7 8 9 / --------------------- ------------ 22 21 3 11 10 26 25 17 16 (From Matt Taggart)