PA-RISC information - since 1999

PA-RISC Chipsets

ASP chipset

HP 9000 workstations and servers based on 32-bit PA-7000 and PA-7100 processors use the HP ASP chipset together with the HP Viper memory controller. Being an integrated chipset, ASP includes separate chips to provide the I/O subsystem and contains several modules from third-party vendors. Some HP 9000 800 servers use a partial implementation of ASP.

There are two variants of HP ASP for workstations: HP Coral or Cobra I/O subsystem is the original ASP, while HP Hardball is the second version ASP2, an improved design with fast/wide SCSI and FDDI networking used in HP 9000 735 and 755 workstations:

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Viper (MSBC) in PA-7000 design © 1992 HP

HP Viper is the memory and I/O controller (MIOC) on HP computers with 32-bit PA-7000 and PA-7100 PA-RISC processors. Viper is similar on both platforms and sometimes counted into the HP ASP chipset, in which it was always used as memory and I/O controller.

Viper, also called memory and system bus controller (MSEC), handles all memory and I/O traffic between processor and the rest of the system.

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